Mapping Debris: Natalie Beridze mit neuem alten Material
Veröffentlicht am 11. Mai 2021 von admin

Die georgische Klangkünstlerin und Musiklehrerin Natalie Beridze wendet sich in ihrem neuen Album alten, halbvergessenen Soundfiles zu, die so zum Material einer neuen elektroakustischen Komposition wurden, dessen inhaltlicher Fokus somit ganz automatisch auf das Verhältnis von Vergessen und Erinnern gerichtet ist. Pulsierende Takte, glitschige Elektronik, entrückte und manchmal stark verfremdete Vokalparts, besinnliche Pianostücke und ambient-cinematische Klangflächen durchziehen das Album, das trotz der erwartbaren Heterogenität nicht diffus wirkt.

“Mapping Debris” erscheint Mitte Mai digital bei Monika Enterprise.

I sought after material, piled up on my old hard drives; – various sound debris, recorded and produced in the past. I recycled them beyond recognition and fudged them together into new samples to compose this album. Mapping Debris is a term used during an investigation of a plane crash. Special agency collects millions of infinite small pieces of shattered metal and wiring from the crash site. They later try to reconstruct an original fuselage of the plane from assembled debris, in order to recreate its story and reveal the reason that lead up to the catastrophe. Mapping Debris is a manifestation of dematerialization in physical domain and time: shedding skin turning into dust, decaying objects, corrosion, atrophy, rot, nonsense and factual forgetfulness, which mirrors chilling fear of perishing, losing integrity, memory of events, images, smells and sensation of touch of those, who have already perished in their earthly archetype. Yet in the aftermath of realization, one no longer dwells in colossal dead weight of inevitability of the end. The pattern perishing has a golden thread on one end – the one that makes us dwell in ceaseless possibility of rebirth, translation and remembrance. This album is a continuation of series of works I have dedicated to my parents lives, as well as their death…” (Natalie Beridze)

@ Monika Enterprise